Thursday, 20 March 2014

The Liebster Award

Exciting news! I've been nominated for a Liebster Award by Totally Lola (aka Lauren)! For those of you who don't know, this is an award from blogger to blogger, to give those who don't have many followers yet more recognition for their blog.

The rules for this are as follows:
1.You must link back to the person who awarded you
2.You must answer the 11 questions given by the nominee before you
3.You pick 11 nominees with under 200 followers to answer your questions
4.You cannot nominate the person who nominated you
5.You must tell your nominees that they have been nominated by you
Thank you so much Lauren! This is my first 'tag' type post, and I can't wait to answer your questions - so let's go!
1) What do you do to get into the right frame of mind for blogging?
I tend to get inspired to write a post by something I've bought or something exciting I've done. I just sit down in the living room or on my bed and write about whatever I want to, when I'm in the mood. I haven't put the pressure on myself to write a certain number of posts a week etc, because I want blogging to be something I enjoy, and not have deadlines as if I were writing an essay.
2) If you woke up tomorrow with one wish, what would it be and why?
Wow that's a hard question! I could go for the selfish answer and say it would be to have my dream job working somewhere in fashion/PR/marketing earning lots of money, or I could be real and say it would be for there to be no horrible illnesses or diseases in the world. I would go with the second one, as the first one is definitely an option if I work hard and believe in myself!
3) Liquid or powdered foundation?
Probably liquid, purely because I've never really used powdered. I feel like powdered would emphasise my dry skin but who knows! I'm actually looking for a new foundation right now - any ideas girls?
4) Your favourite blogs of 2014 so far?
I'm pretty new to the world of blogging so don't know loads. I only discovered Zoella a few months ago - I know, this is awful! So I'm going to go with the obvious people like Zoella, Sprinkle of Glitter, Fashion Toast, The Londoner, etc.
5) If you had to give up blogging or chocolate for lent (40 days), which one would you give up and why?
Ahhh hardest decision ever! I'm going to go with chocolate, simply because it would mean a healthier lifestyle and I may even lose a bit of weight (you have no idea how much chocolate I eat) - although I think this would be the harder option!!
6) One lip colour you couldn't live without?
My Laura Mercier lipstick in the colour Rose. Grace, one of my best best friends, gave it to me as a birthday present and I honestly don't know how I was living without it! It's the perfect everyday lip colour and I would highly recommend it.
7) Your crucial blogging tip for anyone getting started?
Don't worry about what other people think. I was contemplating starting a blog for SO long, and I only recently got to the stage where I realised I didn't care what people thought, as long as I was proud of it. It doesn't need to be all professional with fancy vocab etc - just write for YOU. I just type as I would speak, because I personally think it comes across more natural.
8) What nail colour will be big this spring, do you think?
Oh lord, there's far too many options to choose! I haven't looked up what the trends will be this summer, but I hope we start to move into the brights! I have loved the recent pastel trend, but a bright orange or pink nail can never go wrong in summer with tanned hands (omg tanned hands - the best thing ever).
9) Who do you look to for blogging/vlogging inspiration?
There is no one in particular as I'm just writing in my way, and doing posts on anything I find interesting and like. However, I don't think I ever would have actually started my blog if it weren't for my housemate, Steph. I never thought it would be possible to have a successful blog that people enjoy reading until I met her and saw she had managed it, so why couldn't I! Have a look at her blog here :)
10) If you could only use one colour eyeshadow/creme ever again, what would it be and why? Bronze, bronze, bronze. Don't ask me why, but I love it so so much. Anything with a bronze or gold tone to it, I love. My absolute favourite eyeshadow colour of all time is 'half-baked' from my Naked pallette.
11) Why do you blog?
I blog because I love to write. It's as simple as that. Coupled with my love of fashion, it has been the best thing for me and I can't believe I didn't start earlier!
I nominate the following people, who all have less than 200 followers on either Twitter, Bloglovin' or Instagram:
And these are my questions for you:
1. What's your favourite thing to blog about?
2. What inspired you to start writing a blog?
3. What is one item of clothing you couldn't live without?
4. What is on your summer wishlist?
5. What was the last beauty item you bought?
6. What's your favourite song right now?
7. What life motto do you choose to live by?
8. Do you prefer sun or snow?
9. What is your dream job?
10. Who is your favourite blogger of all time?
11. Why is your blog called what it is?
Hope you all enjoyed reading, and I can't wait to see all your answers to my questions! :)
Love from Roxy x

1 comment:

  1. Hey love, just posted my blog! Thanks for nominating me :) x



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